Political Posters



The images above express political view that I have made including American’s right to party and that cocaine is one of the worst drugs that humans can put into their body. I used the font Myriad Pro to give the posters a more basic feel since there is a large amount of color and images in the background. I used hexidecimal references 861619, 6B0E0D, F1644B, 006838, and 403841. The inspirations that persuaded me to choose these views were very personal. The crack is wack poster is just a personal view I have due to family occurrences. The design in the poster just uses an image that I have seen so many times with a famous quote from the deceased Robin Williams. I most prefer the first poster because how it hits close to home with me and the fact that I was able to use an image that I have seen in real life so many times. I chose illustrator just because I personally believe it gives you more options to play around with and overall create a better project.

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